Author: Thomas Wandler Date: 09.07.2019 Official plans announced Deutsche Bank has initiated a radical restructuring of the group. Among other things, thousands of jobs will be cut. After a meeting… read more →
Autor: Thomas Wandler Datum: 05.07.2019 Inbetriebnahme von 5G Laut einem Medienbericht will die Deutsche Telekom die Anzahl der stationären Verkaufsstandorte verringert werden. Dies berichtete das „Handelsblatt“. Das Netz sei mit… read more →
Author: Thomas Wandler Date: 04.07.2019 Cartel Office grants approval The German Federal Cartel Office has approved the acquisition of Handelshof by Edeka. The retail group will then operate the 16… read more →
Author: Thomas Wandler Date: 01.07.2019 Closure 96 years after company foundation The German television manufacturer LOEWE is discontinuing its business operations 96 years after the company was founded on 1… read more →
Author: Thomas Wandler Date: 21.06.2019 Further costs for the diesel affair Volkswagen’s costs for the diesel gate have once again climbed. This time the increase was due to costs for… read more →
Author: Thomas Wandler Date: 14.06.2019 Purchase price of 6.6 billion euros After about three months, the auction of the 5G frequencies has ended now. The auction brings the federal government… read more →
Author: Thomas Wandler Date: 13.06.2019 Sales stop already imminent A few days ago, Coca-Cola launched its own energy drink in Germany. In contrast to its competitors, the US Company does… read more →
Author: Thomas Wandler Date: 23.05.2019 Money laundering at Deutsche Bank? US President Donald Trump has been targeted by financial supervisors due to conspicuous cash flows in 2016 and 2017: Employees… read more →
Author: Thomas Wandler Date: 23.05.2019 More cheap flights in Germany despite Air Berlin bankruptcy The profit of the low-cost airline Ryanair fell by around 39 per cent to a total… read more →
Author: Thomas Wandler Date: 18.04.2019 Rumors about free streaming subscription According to rumors, Amazon is in talks with various partners for the development of a new ad-financed service for music… read more →