Kloepfel Academy – by purchasers, for purchasers!
Basing on long-time experience across industries Kloepfel Consulting developed effective hands-on modules and programs – from purchasers to purchasers.
We do not deploy trainers, who only base their knowledge on books and projects long ago. Regularly state-of-the-art best practices from real world experiences make their way in our seminars. We can also qualify by using your own cases.
- 2-day-seminar (maximuml 8 participants)
- Communication as a success driver
- Negotiation as the supreme discipline of the buyer
- Negotiation 2.0
- Presentation 2.0
- Methodical negotiation support
- Entry: Purchasing and Procurement | Where does the journey go?
- Process optimization & digitization in purchasing and procurement
- Methods of process optimization | the potential analysis
- The tools of digitization |simple, effective, cost-saving
- What does the buyer from today do tommorow? | Change Management
- You already know everything! But why do most companies implement nothing?
- The Potential Check 4.0 | Evaluation Methodology
- Individual guidance | Development of a roadmap
- What are you waiting for? Take off – now!
Dates for intensive negotiation training
24.-25 July | Düsseldorf
Intensive negotiation training part 1 – Communication as a success driver
21.-22 August | Munich
Intensive negotiation training part 1 – Communication as a success driver
04.-05. September | Vienna
Intensive negotiation training part 2 – Negotiation as the supreme discipline of the buyer
25.-26. September | Berlin
Intensive negotiation training part 1 – Communication as a success driver
30.-31. October | Düsseldorf
Intensive negotiation training part 2 – Negotiation as the supreme discipline of the buyer
20.-21. November | Munich
Intensive negotiation training part 3 – Negotiation 2.0
Dates for Digitization & Process optimization
21. June | Düsseldorf
28. June | Berlin
05. July | Vienna
19. July | Munich
Prices for the seminars per participant are 1.430,00 € (plus VAT).
The seminar prices include catering, the seminar material in electronic form as well as participation certificates. The seminars can be cancelled with no charge until two weeks prior to the arranged date. The seminar fee has to be payed 14 days prior to participation. We reserve the right to cancel seminars if minimum number of participants is not fulfilled.
Locations: Berlin, Düsseldorf, Munich, Vienna as well as inhouse
Kloepfel Consulting GmbH
T: +49 211 / 875 453 23
M: +49 152 / 227 227 93