Product cost optimization
Reduce products costs by 10% to 40%
Engineers, experienced managers and technicians from Kloepfel Consulting make the true costs of (supplier) products transparent with our multi-rewarded software “Cost Control” and thus ensure:
- More efficient use of raw materials & materials
- Leaner production
- Energy savings
- Barking
- Quality improvements
- Development of solid make-or-buy-decisions
- Product standardization
- Intelligent material substitution
- Innovative product development
- New negotiation options

Thomas Wandler
T +49 211 875 453 23
The Cost Control software is an analytical tool for increasing the raw material, material and construction efficiency of products or rather for saving energy in production. With the software Cost Control the product costs can be reduced by 10% to 40% on average. The five-time awarded software can be used for prototype production as well as for the production of large series such as in the automotive industry.
The considered products are virtually broken down into their components on the basis of construction plans. Data on the components are analyzed by engineers with the software based on construction plans. In this way, the designer for example receives with Cost Control exact information in an international comparison about:
• Energy costs,
• Raw material costs,
• Optimal production machines,
• Additional charges,
• Setup costs,
• Setup times as well as
• Processing times and -costs.
With these results, products can be designed and produced more effectively. On balance this means that (raw) materials can be saved or substituted, production times can be reduced, cross-departmental processes can be optimized and support for “make or buy” decisions is also available.
Depending on customer needs, Cost Control receives updates two to four times a year. Cost control is adapted to the changing global markets (e.g. international wages and social insurance – source e.g. Federal Agency for Foreign Trade), technological progress (e.g. new production machines or production methods) but also to special customer requirements.
Users can use the software completely after one week of training. Amortization: As a rule (in 95% of cases), the software already pays for itself by allowing the user to realize 50% of the cost savings during the training week.
In addition, the software should help to better integrate different departments and their know-how in order to gain new (product) ideas and to reduce costs and avoid unnecessary stress through leaner production, design or purchasing processes. In addition, companies can store and use the valuable knowledge of the “old hands” with the software. If you agree with a supplier on the product costing tool Cost Control, you save the time-consuming double calculation.
The software significantly helps conserve raw material- and energy resources.