Optimization of structures and processes in purchasing
At Kloepfel Consulting, purchasing success is ensured lasting through the EKSO Excellence Program. On the way to optimized purchasing, the existing strengths must be expanded and the weaknesses must be systematically and structurally eliminated.
The considered pillars of success of a “state-of-the-art” purchase are:
- the purchasing goals and strategies derived from the corporate goals,
- the efficiently aligned processes with which these goals should be achieved,
- the effective organization that drives optimization,
- the qualified employees for the implementation,
- as well as the available and safe mastery of methods and tools.
Finally, this process must be established and effectively stabilized through meaningful purchasing controlling with important and correct key figures.

Dr. Stephan Hofstetter
T +49 211 875 453 23
Kloepfel Consulting relies on the best-fit principle. Best-Fit means in this context that purchasing is primarily geared to the requirements of the company and optimization is not only made because of optimization or “best practice” outside the industry. Here, the danger of “over-engineering”, a well-known phenomenon in the field of mechanical engineering appears as well. Make sure that every change in purchasing is really result-oriented. Purchasing must develop into a return engine in the company and the requirements must be reviewed regularly, also and above aligned with the company vision.
The requirements are adapted to the individual company by classifying them according to industry and company size or the purchasing volume to be processed and, above all, the effects of purchasing costs on the company result. For the evaluation of the individual criteria, Kloepfel Consulting works in a very structured manner with a questionnaire elaborated with over 600 detailed points. In a visually prepared presentation of results, weak points can be found quickly and decisively according to the traffic light principle and detailed optimisation steps can be planned, initiated and implemented.
Due to the structured procedure, the effort for the purchasing structure analysis is conceivably low. So a one-day workshop in the company is followed by a brief preparation and evaluation phase. Based on the evaluation, you will receive a detailed “status report” of your purchase within one to two weeks, which helps the purchasing and company management to initiate and implement the necessary measures. Perceived estimations and subjective evaluations are thus a thing of the past.
The 6 purchasing success pillars below (strategy, processes, organization, employees, methods/tools and controlling) are based on further sub-groups, which partly interact with each other. For example, a functioning material group management is necessary to successfully manage suppliers. Even the highly qualified purchasing employee with a reliable selection of methods and tools cannot contribute to the company’s success without the appropriate capacity. Conversely, of course, these statements also apply.