Amazon: Delivery by drone
Author: Dimitri Lagun
Date: 07.06.2019
Launch of the Prime Air drone
Amazon would like to implement the delivery of orders by drones “in the coming months”. The US online retailer presented a fully automatic and electric delivery drone called “Prime Air”.
First, a test will be started in which the flying machine will deliver small household goods like toothpaste or shavers. The company announced this at a tech conference in Las Vegas on Wednesday. It is still unclear where the service will be available everywhere.
Amazon has been working on drone technology for several years now. The responsible manager Jeff Wilke presented the delivery drone in an optimized version for the first time on Wednesday in the US state of Nevada. The prototype was already demonstrated by Amazon boss Jeff Bezos in 2013.
The current version can cover a distance of around 24 kilometers and carry up to 2.3 kilograms. Parcels will be delivered within 30 minutes. The flying object was tested in Great Britain, where the first delivery was made in 2016. A customer received a “Fire-TV” stick and a bag of popcorn within 13 minutes of ordering.
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