Study on the success of search engines
Author: Mario Schmidtgen
Date: 16.10.2018
Has the end of Google begun?
With a market share of 92.1 percent, Google is by far the largest search engine in the world. Especially in Europe and Germany, Google is the number one search engine. The founders had the goal of organizing the digital universe and providing access for all.
Meanwhile, many competitors have entered the market, so experts think Google has reached its peak. “The way people track information on the Internet is changing radically,” LoCascio, founder of LivePerson, a company that programs chat robots, told the magazine “Welt”.
The Californian analysis company Jumpshop carried out a study in this respect and the result shows that consumers who want to buy a product via the Internet rather go to Amazon than search for it via Google. According to the “Welt”, 54% of product searches take place via Amazon and only 46% via Google. Three years ago, this was the other way round. Furthermore, many consumers no longer prefer to read news on Google News, but on Facebook or on the news services page.
Google not necessary due to chat robots
Furthermore, instead of searching for information via Google, users can receive information directly on the Internet pages via a chat with robots. This allows consumers to get in touch with companies without having to open another page. An algorithm displays a pop-up window, allowing users to quickly and easily gain information about products or services.
It is getting easier and easier for Internet users to search for information on a website without having to use Google or study the FAQs. Therefore LoCascio thinks that the classic websites will die out. “And if the websites die, then maybe Google as well,” says the inventor of chat robots in an interview with “Welt”.
US data expert Vincent Granville also agrees: “Many people complain that the company controls our lives. But in fact their influence is diminishing.” The fact that more and more Internet users are accessing information from various sources is damaging Google.
In addition, Google has recently attracted attention with negative headlines. It became public that the online network Google+ had a data leak for years. This gave app developers access to private user information such as names and email addresses. The failure allegedly wasn’t discovered and fixed by Google until spring 2018. The public was informed shortly afterwards.
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